Great Googa Moo
Well I survived this week. Believe me it's been a task.
Mom came over to fix my toilet. She found out from someone else that it was broken. Well I was upstairs taking care of "D's" animals and watching cable. All of a sudden I hear screaming outside. I think it's one of my neighbors, they've been fighting alot. Well I was wrong.
You guessed it. Mom was screaming like a banchee, cursing and everything. She was pissed that I wouldn't open the door for her. Well I was upstairs and didn't hear her initial knocking. By the time I did hear her she was in her stark raving mad phase and there was no way in hell I was going to go downstairs. Not for all the tea in China. I do value my life and would like to stay alive.
People she yelled for almost an hour. Screaming things like open the fucking door then progressing to if you don't open this fucking door right now I am going to break in you windows and I will still get inside. You see this woman is a complete lunatic.I can't believe she thought I had nothing better to do than stay home.
Well I called "T" and she and her fience came over and stayed with me for a while. Thank God that mom wasn't there because "T" already hates her with a passion and she told me that if mom were there she was going to give her a piece of her mind. Believe me when "T" gets mad there is no stopping her and she was extremely pissed at mom.
Everyone I talked to told me that I should have called the police and had her arrested but I just couldn't. I refuse to sink to her level. "T" told me it wasn't sinking to her level because I had a viable reason to call the cops, unlike mom calling the nut house on me. I am still considering getting a restraining order on her. If she tries one more thing I am certain I will.
Well after all the mess I eventually called her house and thank God my stepfather answered the phone. We had a really decent conversation and he told me he would drop by the things I would need to fix the toilet. He also asked me to call at least everyother weekjust to let them know that I am ok and still alive.
One of the things that he brought up was the fact that mom told him that I said they were both controlling. Well I squashed that right away. I am realizing that my mother loves playing the victim in her everyday life and if she isn't the victim I don't think she feels she has a place in this world. I find that pretty sad myself. I know the past couple of months my weblog has had a pretty down feeling to it but that's not how I usually am.
As I stated in Major Ego Boost I am quick to laugh when I find something funny and I try my best to make life happy. I do my best to find the joy in everyday life. Somedays are harder than others to find the joy but I do the best I can.