Friday, April 05, 2002

Testing the links over <-------
Weblog Links

I forgot to mension if you have a weblog and you would like to trade links leave the addy to your blog in the comments of this post. I will check out your blog and add a link if I like what I see. If anyone links to my blog please let me know and I will put a link to your blog in mine.

Thursday, April 04, 2002

Where's mommie when you need her?

Well I've been pretty much plastered all day from the meds the Dr gave me. I don't know if they are working and I still feel like crap. The good news is mom is coming home from NYC tomorrow. She called today and said as soon as she gets home she is making me her famous home made soup. OMG this soup is wonderful. EVERY time I get sick I CRAVE this soup! I don't know what she puts in it but it tastes wonderful and always makes me feel much better within a day or 2. I kid you not this stuff is magic. It works every time.

I am so everlovin sick and tired of being sick. It's been a week and a half already for gods sake. I am the biggest baby when it comes to getting sick. I know I'm going to piss off the male readers with this statement but oh well. I am basically like every man I have ever known when he got sick but I am female. lol I happen to be very independant and I want to be able to go out and do the things I need to do.

I did go to the grocery store this morning before drugging myself up. (These are perscribed meds not street drugs.) I got everything that I needed but it took me 3 times as long as it usually does. This pisses me off. Oh well. I'm starting to get to that hazy phaze where I just don't care. Yes i just took my last meds for the day about 10 min ago so they should be kicking in soon. Ahhhhhhhhh the blistful numbness. The other thing that irks me when I'm sick is that I'm a singer and I can't sing for carp right now. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I have almost completely lost my voice due to the constant coughing. Today someone called and thought I was doing the breathing thing on the phone to them. I told them well you called me not the other way arround give me a feckin break I'm sick.

OH something pissed me off yesterday. Eventhough it's been advertised all feckin week they didn't air Enterprise. Instead it was some stupid basketball game. Supposidly they are going to air it this weekend. I am tired of good shows being prempted by crapy sports! If I hear that stupid diamondbacks song I sware I'm going to crawl up some tower and start picking people off. For those of you not living in Arizona it goes something like this "Whack crack I love my diamondbacks." When I hear this I run to change the channel. Then there is this new stupid commerical for montel williams, jenny johnes, and ricky lake. This one goes "Montel, jenny, ricky 2 3 4 on upn 45." over and over and over again. Whatever happened to imaginative commercials? All these things make me wanna do is like I said crawl up some tower and start picking off people. It's like when I had Rock Me Amadeus in my head for a month straight. By the end of that experience you probibly could have called me clinically insane.

Well leave it up to the girls to keep me from crawling up that tower. Stormey wanted to play with Mitzi. So she started her usual little games. This time Mitzi kept standing right in frount of her and I kept wondering why is she doing this? Then it hit me. Mitzi is offering herself to Stormey. Yes in a sexual way. Again I laughed my ass off! I couldn't believe it. These 2 are going to end up killing me through laughter. Oh well at least it will be fun way to go.

Well things are getting ever so fuzzy now so I'm going to go back to bed. I hope everyone had a nice day today and that you will have a nice day tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 02, 2002

Murphy Turned My Butt Black & Blue

Well it's been quite a week. I have been to the hospital twice and my doctor's office once this week and guess what I get to go to the dr's office again today. Yippeeeeeeeee (Please note the sarcasm in the yipee.)

it all started a week ago on the 25th of March. I took a nap and when I woke up I was extremely dizzy I'm talking room is spinning dizzy so I went to the hospital. When I arrived at the hospital it was chock full. So right away I know I'm in for at least an hour wait. Boy was I wrong. It took them an hour and a half just to trioge (sp?) me, then it took them another 3 and a half hours to get me to a friggin room. So total wait time in the waiting room. 4 hours. When the Dr. finally came in he ran a battery of tests. I'm talking EKG, blood work, pee in a cup kind of tests. They also put an iv in me. Now when I tell you that I hate iv's it's a major understatement. Well after everything was said and done the Dr. told me that I had what sounded like an inner ear infection. The Dr. tells me to look out for a few things and if I experience any of them to come back to the hospital. So I go home thinking ok I can deal with that. It's not serious and very easily cured. Total time spent in the hospital 9 hours.

Then on Wednesday my legs start loosing all of their strength. This was on the mensioned list of things to look out for. So now I'm thinking oh crap. So off to the hospital I go once more. This time the waiting room is practically empty so I think thank God they will be able to get me in at least half an hour. I was sadly mistaken. This time trioge went much faster. It was done almost immediately from the time I walked in the frount door. So I'm thinking it might just go even faster than what I origionally thought. See this is how they suck you in and laugh in your face as they watch you squirm in your seat the entire time knowing just how sick you are. Heck I don't go into an ER at 2:30am just because I was bored. Finally after waiting over four and a half hours I finally get a room. Yep that's right this time I waited much longer eventhough there were FAR fewer people waiting in the waiting room. The new Dr. gives me a catscan. (sp?) He says the same thing that the first Dr said. It is most likely an inner ear infection and the reason that I am experiencing weekness in my legs is due to the fact that becuase I have been off ballance I have been needing more strength than normal. So basically I just ran out of strength. I think to myself ok and go back home. Total time spent in the ER this time 11 hours.

It is now Thursday by the time I get back home. I fall asleep. I woke up on Sunday. I kid you not boys and girls I slept for 3 days straight only getting up to go to the bathroom and get the occasional nosh to eat. Thank God for my friend. Yep she came through :D I called her up and asked her to pick me up oranges because that is all I wanted to eat and she bought them for me. She is now back in my I love her list. See people I'm really not that hard to please. Anyway I digress.

The first time I woke up on friday for one of my potty trips I noticed that a nice little cough was starting to develop. Woo Friggin Hoo (Again please note the sarcasm.) Well by Sunday I had a full blown hacking up gooey things kind of cough. So on Monday I finally went to my Dr. (I should have done this in the first place. I may be fairly intelligent but hey even geniouses make mistakes.) He told me that I now had an upper respretory infection. The kicker is that he agreed with me that I probibly got it in the Hospital waiting for the damn Doctors.

And what is the moral of this story? Don't be a stubborn person like I am. Go to your Dr at the first sign of trouble and avoid Hospitals AT ALL COSTS.

Oh but wait our story doesn't end there not for this unlucky duckie.

I was trying to remove some of the mucus (sp?) from my nose and got the stupid toilet paper stuck in my nose well I thought I got all of it out but evidently I didn't and it traveled down to my throat so now I get to go back to MY Dr. to remove it from my windpipe because I refuse to go to the hospital and have them remove it eventhough the nurses hotline I called last night told me I had to go in immediately.

Now just when you think life is one big joke on your expense something happens that puts things into perspective and make you laugh so hard you almost die from choking. (Remember I have an upper bla bla bla and laughing isn't exactly a good thing to be doing when it's hard for you to just breath.)

Well Stormey is still on this guarding her food even if she isn't going to eat it kick and will sit there and give the Mitzi dirty looks. Well this pissed me off for the last time so I went had a little talk with stormey and ended up making her share some of her food with the baby. Mind you she was done eating she just didn't want the baby getting any of "her" food. Well Stormey has this wierd routine that she does when she is done eating. She will drink water and then rub her face on the ground to clean her face. So she is rubbing her face on the ground and I see her backing up towards the baby and I am wondering what the heck she is doing? Well she trapps the baby and lets out this big ol fart right in the baby's face and makes her smell it for a few minutes. I almost died laughing. The poor baby was looking for me to help her and all I could do was laugh. I'm a bad doggie mommie. Oh well life goes on and that was just too funny not to laugh.

Quote of the day.

All happy families resemble one another; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own fashion.
--Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) Anna Karenina

Well kiddies it's time to call MY Dr. so he can remove the stupid toilet paper from my windpipe. So wish me luck and tell Ol' Man Murphy to stop kicking my butt it's pretty brused battered and I could use another rest although hopefully not another three day one.