4 Years
It's been 4 years since my dad passed. They say as time goes on the pain is less and less. Well let me tell you it's a big old lie. Everyday I miss him more.
I remember my last day with him. We had such a wonderfull conversation. We talked about how things were getting better in the family.
We had finally started to get into a really good groove and poof he's gone. No warning, nothing.
I've been pretty down lately. Not only is it the annaversary of my dad's death it's also the annaversary of when my birthfather left mom and I.
That's a whole other ball of bad wax there. He was never really a good father to me but it still hurt when he left. I digress so moving on.
I still can't believe it's been 4 years. Some days it feel like it was yesterday and other feel like it's been an eternity. Some days it feels like both. It's kind of hard to explain unless you've lost someone you loved.
So no humor for me today kiddos. I'm not even close to being in a haa haa mood.