Tuesday, March 19, 2002

Maylay at the Dog Park

Today I took my dogs to the dog park. I will say it was quite an adventure.

There was this little stinker named Alex. He's a Boxer and quite agressive. He decided to attack a few dogs at the park today and totally traumatized my dogs.

Stormey had an admirer there today and he tried to ummmm shall we say pleasure her. Ummm oral gratification. Well my good girl wouldn't have any of it. Everytime that dog tried to pleasure her she would bark and snip at him. It was the funniest thing I have ever seen. I must say I was saying to myself YOU GO GIRL. Keep that virginity as long as you can. Stormey is almost 7 and I think she is nearing the end of her fertile day so she really doesn't need to be ummmm pleasured.

Then there is my little one Mitzi. The poor thing was so traumatized by the other dogs going at it that I see this little black and white puffball come a running at top speed and jump right into my arms. I am not kidding boys and girls. She knows who her momma is and she know momma will protect her. I thought it was hysterical and at the same time it was the sweetest thing.

Then when we go to leave it is usually a big hastle rounding them up and trying to get them on their leashes so I can take them home. Today it was different both of them came running, hopped into the car and didn't look back. When I got out of the car I had Mitzi in my arms and I decided to put her down just incase she needed to go potty before we went inside. She made a b line straight for the frount door. I laughed my ass off.

Well good night boys and girls this is sifichick signing off mostlikely for today. I hope you have as much laughter in your day as I had in mine.

Monday, March 18, 2002

Disapearing Act

Well this morning I awoke to the great shock that my little dog had disapeared. Up until now at night when i would go to sleep she would go outside on my porch and watch the people walking by sometimes barking at them. Well I yelled and yelled at her and nothing. I looked out the arcadia window and no Mitzi. I started to flip. Unfortunately I was completely naked so I couldn't just run out of the house so I found the very first thing I could find then put on my shoes and ran out the door. As I open the frount door what do I find? The little shit is standing in frount of the door waiting for me to open it for her.

This totally stinks I paid $300.00 to have a rought iron fence put on my back padio wall so my dogs could stay on the padio and I wouldn't have to worry about them getting stolen or running away. Well I guess I don't have to worry abou them running away seeing as how both of them go for a run then wait for me at the door.

I wanted to ring her neck but she is just to cute for me to harm her. lol

Sunday, March 17, 2002

Leonard Nimoy's Photo

Ok I posted that pic from Leonard Nimoy's photography website on the WWDN Web Board. Well it turns out that it is a woman. Holy carp was my first thougth. She has got the manlyest (sp?) hands I have EVER seen.
another friggin test