Wednesday, March 13, 2002

The Bush boys have got to go!

Today I was watching The Rosie Show and she starts to comment on this gay couple foster parents for children with different illnesses. You know the kind no one would ever want to take into their home.

Well she mensions that because they live in Florida and the little boy in question is now free from his illness they are going to take him out of his loving environment and give him to another couple to adopt. She then gave the address to a site that is trying to help them keep this little boy. Mind you this is the ONLY home this little boy has ever known and he is now 8 if I remember correctly. So I went to the site and it explained that the little boy was born with the HIV virus but is now not showing any signs of it being in his body so the wonderful, yes I'm being sarcastic, powers that be in Florida see him as being in an unfit home because these 2 men that have raised him practacily his entire life are now unfit to raise him purely on the fact that they are gay. I say give me a feckin break. They love this little boy and they want to adopt him. I say let them!

These men have done such a well job that even the doctor has said the little boy is in wonderful shape. What is the true meaning of parenthood? To me it isn't that 2 people came together and created a life. Heck anyone can do that. To me being a parent is being there for the child no matter what. That mean in the middle of the night when the child has a nightmare you run into the room and calm that child down. When the child gets sick you take it to the doctor and then take care of it when you bring it home. It means when the child scrapes their knee you sooth them and clean up their wound. That is what a parent does and is. It doesn't matter whether the couple is gay or not. Love is love no matter your race, creed, religion, or sexual orientation.

Personally I don't know that I could be a parent and not screw up a childs life. I have soooooooooooooooooooo much respect for those that can do it well.

So i say let the kid stay where he is. He is happy and healthy right now and if they rip him away from his home it would devistate him. Remember Florida you should do what is BEST FOR THE CHILD!!!!!!!!!!!

If you would like to help support this family I have put a link up in my website on the home page. Please no matter what your sexual orientation help this family.

Side note I happen to be as straight as they come but I feel strongly that the government shouldn't who we are allowed to love and who we are allowed make our family.

So in conclusion I saw Bush brothers change the laws doesn't the Constitution give us the right to LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PERSUIT OF HAPPINESS!

Tuesday, March 12, 2002

Earlier today I found this pic of Leonard Nimoy I must say it disturbed me to no end. I mean come on he is supposed to be the ultra mysterious quiet guy. A little funny to look at but still handsome in that odd way. Kind of like Jeff Goldblum. (sp?)

Well I didn't expect to see him half nekked with finger nails that most woman pay for. I warn you it isn't a pretty sight.
Ok this really blows evidently you can't put a link to in a post or it eats the rest of your post. Oh the joys of finding the bugs in a program. Well at least it's free. Next time I will know better and I won't put the link in.

Oh well better luck tomorrow. By the way I am trying to find out why the comments button is friggin big. I have messed with the font size but nothing seems to work if anyone knows how to fix this please let me know. Thank you

It just sucks ya in baby!

Well I spent the better part of my day on Wil Wheaton's website. See this is what I feel is a guilty pleasure. I posted on several topics and even posted my first thread there. It's a very nice place and except for a couple of jerks most of the people have been very nice to me. One guy in particular has been such a help with my blog. He has one and I have been asking him tons of question. Most of them quite stupid in my opinion but if I didn't ask them I wouldn't have had any idea what I was doing. I tell you I have never felt so stupid as when I started to use No comments:

Monday, March 11, 2002

Goodmorning Internet Listeners

Well I woke up this morning in a very fould mood. I must have had some horrible stress dreams or something.

I decided that I wasn't going to let it get me down so I came online and did my fuzzy thoughts list for today and did a little work on my website. That put me in a little better mood.

Then I started my new book. I haven't written anything in a very long time and I have this story burning inside of me and I feel as if I will explode if I don't get it out of me. So I started at the end. I know I'm a backwards person so why not do the conclusion and work back tot he begining. then I got into actually bringing my charachters to life. I broke it down in several catagories everything from what thier parents are like to their birthdays. I want to make them real to me so that i can do the story justice. All I can say is it's been a very cathardic (I know my spelling blows) morning. I am in such a good mood I don't think even my mother can bring me down today. But you never know lol I might come back from seeing her and start to rant and rave about her.

You know I often wonder why it is that mother's and daughters either have this amazing bond or they can't be in the same room for more than 5 minutes before they start to bicker. There really doesn't seem to be any middle ground to it.

Well that's it for right now. I hope the rest of your day is as nice or nicer than mine is so far.

Sunday, March 10, 2002

Lets play bonk the webhosts.

Well I have all this webspace on 2 different servers and neither one of them will put a feckin link to the archives. So I spent the past 2 days trying to figure out a way to fix this. I read all the trouble shooters and help files and did exactly what said to do and the stupid thing still wouldn't let me. So I decided to just give up and put my blog on Blogspot. At least the archives work here.

Needless to say I am totally perterbed about this. Evidently geocities did something so that I couldn't put them in the archives so I would have to pay them money. The money grubbing pigs.

In a world where a madman can kill over 3000 people and say god told him to do it, little girls are stolen right out of their houses and killed, a woman can hit a man with her car and watch him in agony for 3 day letting him die and then dump his lifeless body ect... these people want my money. I feel it is better deserved elsewhere. So I thank Blogspot for giving me the opertunity to voice my opinions and let me spend my money elsewhere. Heck maybe I will break down someday soon and get thier pay site just because they were so nice in this mad mad world.

On that note I'm going to let my dogs out and give them a big hug, then head off to bed. I sure hope that someone had a better day than I did. I am going to try to add a comments section tomorrow. Wish me luck please.
