Monday, March 18, 2002

Disapearing Act

Well this morning I awoke to the great shock that my little dog had disapeared. Up until now at night when i would go to sleep she would go outside on my porch and watch the people walking by sometimes barking at them. Well I yelled and yelled at her and nothing. I looked out the arcadia window and no Mitzi. I started to flip. Unfortunately I was completely naked so I couldn't just run out of the house so I found the very first thing I could find then put on my shoes and ran out the door. As I open the frount door what do I find? The little shit is standing in frount of the door waiting for me to open it for her.

This totally stinks I paid $300.00 to have a rought iron fence put on my back padio wall so my dogs could stay on the padio and I wouldn't have to worry about them getting stolen or running away. Well I guess I don't have to worry abou them running away seeing as how both of them go for a run then wait for me at the door.

I wanted to ring her neck but she is just to cute for me to harm her. lol

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