Sunday, March 10, 2002

Lets play bonk the webhosts.

Well I have all this webspace on 2 different servers and neither one of them will put a feckin link to the archives. So I spent the past 2 days trying to figure out a way to fix this. I read all the trouble shooters and help files and did exactly what said to do and the stupid thing still wouldn't let me. So I decided to just give up and put my blog on Blogspot. At least the archives work here.

Needless to say I am totally perterbed about this. Evidently geocities did something so that I couldn't put them in the archives so I would have to pay them money. The money grubbing pigs.

In a world where a madman can kill over 3000 people and say god told him to do it, little girls are stolen right out of their houses and killed, a woman can hit a man with her car and watch him in agony for 3 day letting him die and then dump his lifeless body ect... these people want my money. I feel it is better deserved elsewhere. So I thank Blogspot for giving me the opertunity to voice my opinions and let me spend my money elsewhere. Heck maybe I will break down someday soon and get thier pay site just because they were so nice in this mad mad world.

On that note I'm going to let my dogs out and give them a big hug, then head off to bed. I sure hope that someone had a better day than I did. I am going to try to add a comments section tomorrow. Wish me luck please.


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