Where's mommie when you need her?
Well I've been pretty much plastered all day from the meds the Dr gave me. I don't know if they are working and I still feel like crap. The good news is mom is coming home from NYC tomorrow. She called today and said as soon as she gets home she is making me her famous home made soup. OMG this soup is wonderful. EVERY time I get sick I CRAVE this soup! I don't know what she puts in it but it tastes wonderful and always makes me feel much better within a day or 2. I kid you not this stuff is magic. It works every time.
I am so everlovin sick and tired of being sick. It's been a week and a half already for gods sake. I am the biggest baby when it comes to getting sick. I know I'm going to piss off the male readers with this statement but oh well. I am basically like every man I have ever known when he got sick but I am female. lol I happen to be very independant and I want to be able to go out and do the things I need to do.
I did go to the grocery store this morning before drugging myself up. (These are perscribed meds not street drugs.) I got everything that I needed but it took me 3 times as long as it usually does. This pisses me off. Oh well. I'm starting to get to that hazy phaze where I just don't care. Yes i just took my last meds for the day about 10 min ago so they should be kicking in soon. Ahhhhhhhhh the blistful numbness. The other thing that irks me when I'm sick is that I'm a singer and I can't sing for carp right now. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I have almost completely lost my voice due to the constant coughing. Today someone called and thought I was doing the breathing thing on the phone to them. I told them well you called me not the other way arround give me a feckin break I'm sick.
OH something pissed me off yesterday. Eventhough it's been advertised all feckin week they didn't air Enterprise. Instead it was some stupid basketball game. Supposidly they are going to air it this weekend. I am tired of good shows being prempted by crapy sports! If I hear that stupid diamondbacks song I sware I'm going to crawl up some tower and start picking people off. For those of you not living in Arizona it goes something like this "Whack crack I love my diamondbacks." When I hear this I run to change the channel. Then there is this new stupid commerical for montel williams, jenny johnes, and ricky lake. This one goes "Montel, jenny, ricky 2 3 4 on upn 45." over and over and over again. Whatever happened to imaginative commercials? All these things make me wanna do is like I said crawl up some tower and start picking off people. It's like when I had Rock Me Amadeus in my head for a month straight. By the end of that experience you probibly could have called me clinically insane.
Well leave it up to the girls to keep me from crawling up that tower. Stormey wanted to play with Mitzi. So she started her usual little games. This time Mitzi kept standing right in frount of her and I kept wondering why is she doing this? Then it hit me. Mitzi is offering herself to Stormey. Yes in a sexual way. Again I laughed my ass off! I couldn't believe it. These 2 are going to end up killing me through laughter. Oh well at least it will be fun way to go.
Well things are getting ever so fuzzy now so I'm going to go back to bed. I hope everyone had a nice day today and that you will have a nice day tomorrow.
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