Friday, April 19, 2002

Does a little happy dance

Ok so proud of myself. I know it might be a little step for most but it's a big step for me.

I finally figured out how show graphics on a website. See I have been with geocrappies for so long that I never needed to learn how to make a pic show up on a website. Well on blogger it isn't as easy. You actually have to have some knowledge of html in order to do some cool things to your blog. I do have some knowledge of html but it's still somewhat limited I can code very simple sites but not do anything fancy yet.

What makes me the most proud is that I am self tought. I haven't gone to school for site design. Yes I have had a little help from my different net friends but the bulk I learned on my own and in times like I am having it really makes me happy that I am intelligent enough to figure things out for myself.

The proof of my new found talent is the blog stickers. :D They're linked and everything. :D

Well mom called last night so you guys are going to get quite a blog soon. I tell I need to leave the state and not let her know where I'm going.

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