Saturday, April 13, 2002

Dealing with a manic depresive mother

I sware my mother is manic depressive. She has the worst mood swings I have ever seen. One day she can be the most loving person on the face of the earth the next day she is screaming that she is going to kill me, literally.

An example: One day we were going to get a perscription for me because I was very sick. She had asked me to look up the address but I thought I knew where the Osco was. Well I was wrong. She started yelling how she was going to crash the car and kill us both and get it over with. She said life wasn't worth it and that we would both be better off dead. Well I finally spotted the Osco and she dropped me off to get my perscription. When I came out and got back into the car she had a smile on her face and everything that had just happened seemed to have disapeared from her mind.

Well last weekend on Sunday she asked me to call my Dr. so I could get a stronger perscription because I wasn't getting any better. She said to call her when it was ready and she would pick it and bring it over to my house for me since I was sick. So on Monday I called them and had them call in a new perscription. When they called and told me it was ready to be picked up I called her. Well her husband answered so I explained that my perscription was ready to be picked up and then said good bye and hung up. About 5 mon later she called me back saying she was never going to talk to me and that if I wanted the perscription I was going to have to get it myself. Well I don't druve and Osco is a mile from my house. I don't know about anyone else but when I am sick the last thing I want to be doing is going on a 2 mile walk (this is there and back) I would rather be in bed resting. Well she also told me she hoped that I was going to have a good life cuz she was through with me. Now this was completely unprovoked. I still have no idea what happened between Sunday and Monday to get this reaction.

Well this morning at about 7:30am I get a phone call from her asking if I wanted to go to a tea party with her. I think to myself WTF? A few days ago she didn't want anything to do with me now she wnats me to go to some stupid tea party? I made up some excuse as to why I couldn't go to the stupid tea party. The last thing I want to be doing this weekend is spending time with my mother. She really pissed me off and hurt me. When she fights with her husband she always takes it out on me and I am just not going to play her games from now on. I have decided that the next time she calls I am going to tell her "mother I am going to respect your request. Good bye have a nice life." I know this is going to piss her off and I will probibly get kicked out of my condo. (She and her husband technically own it. But I pay the mortgage and assoc. fees.) I am just so tired of her mood swings.

I told her a few weeks ago that I thought she is Bi-Polar and she brushed it off saying "Oh hunney I'm not bi-polar. I just get depressed sometimes." I then reminded her of the times she has spazed out. She really didn't have anything to say about it. Although I dont think she is getting any help for it. I thing she could be such a good person then she pulls one of her stunts. I wish I had a normal mother that didn't go off if she doesn't get what she wants.

Oh she is also pissed that I am not what she expected. I think my mother thought having a baby is like having a doll. You can dress it up and play with it and decide how it should live their lives. Well people don't work that way. Everyone is their own person and everyone makes their own mistakes. Believe me I have made my share of mistakes but hey I've learned from them and I am a better person for learning these lessons. I wish she would just let me live my life. I am 28. That is considered an adult. I'm going to be 30 in an year and a half for gods sake and she still treats me as if I am 2.

Maybe I post some of the other choice things my mother has done to me over the years. It's amazing to me that I'm not completely mad from the things she and my father have thrown at me. What really gets me is that there are people who have it much worse than I do. I have no idea how these people survive without wanting to off themselves. Well you can pick your friends but you can't pick your family.

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