Sunday, April 07, 2002


Well I got a nice suprise. My step father just came to my frount door bearing gifts. When mom was in NYC I guess she went to a bakery to get me some things. She is so funny I didn't expect for her to get me anything. She was there because one of her cousins was dieing. After the funeral she stopped at a bakery and got something for myself and my step dad.

I also got something from my aunt. I got a really cute sleep shorts set and a new sleeveless t-shirt. I also got a little stuffed bear and it all came in a plastic Hello Kitty bag. :D I love Hello Kitty. It doesn't matter how old I get I still love toys. lol

Things I am planning on doing today.

Well today I plan on doing some work on my website. I have some new quotes to put up and I do believe I have quite a few new wav files to put up as well. I also have some new fun links to add to the links section.

My links section is growing so much that I am thinking of breaking it up into a couple of sections. I was thinking of having a buttons and banners section and a regular typed link section.

I also put up a few new blog links. I hope you enjoy some of the new ones. I've been on a mission to find blogs of quality and link them here. I have found quite a few good ones out there. It's also a great way to meet new people such a Kerr. I happen to stumble across Kerr's blog left a comment and now have a new net friend. :D I must admit though I found quite a few of them at the WWDN.

Speaking of WWDN I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooo adicted to that place. Whenever I am online I am usually posting there. Currently I am 14 on the posters who post the most. This scares me lol. Anyway it's a great place for adults to hang out. There is alink to the WWDN over on the left side of my blog.

Well it's been over 2 weeks since I had a cig and I am ever so tempted to get one today. Damn I really want a cig. I am thinking that if I can bum one off of someone then I wouldn't have the other 19 to smoke and if i did get a whole pack I would only be able to smoke the one cig and then I would feel bad because I wasted all that money on cigs that I'm not going to smoke. What to do, what to do? Well wish me luck that I do the right thing.

Quote of the week

"Never comprimise yourself it's all you've got." ~ Janice Joplin

Fun sites of the week

1. Eric Conveys An Emotion
2. Kill Everyone Project
3. The Zen Game
4. Jump The Shark
5. Post a Comment