The Raping Of The Public by Record Company Execs
Well it has come to my attension that the record companies have decided that I can't record ANY of the songs off of a cd or anything off of a dvd. This blows! In the past few years artists have been breaking records left and right and these people charge WAY too fucking much for the cds in the first place. $20 for one or two songs I like. Give me a break!
I have also heard that the new Celine Dion cd has something in it that if you put it into your computer it will crash your computer. This has to be illegal. They could seriously mess up someone's computer. Yet they want that all mighty dollar and don't care what kind of dammage it does to us. Again I say give me a break. Like these people don't have enough money already. Guess Celine's million dollar wedding has put a massive dent into her finances. :P I can barely survive on what money I have and she is going to screw me over. I used to have alot of respect for her and now this is happening.
Also this new bill they are trying to pass will make it almost impossible for independant artists to record and sell their own music. To me this infringes upon free speach.
To read about the new bill go HERE. You can also go HERE to read another article about the bill.
I think everyone should boycott the artists that are going along with this B.S. I think we should also write letters to our congressmen and woman stating why this is illegal and what not.
Ok that's enough on that subject.
The Wierd Sickness Strikes Again
Well mom got back the other day from NYC. The thing is she is now sick. She has some of the same symptoms that I do but she is also haveing problems with her heart. I am extremely worried about her. She went to the Dr. yesterday and they told her to just lay down and rest for the next few days. They also gave her an aray of drugs.
Oh I have a new symptom. I was coughing and I felt liquid coming out of my nose so I went to wipe it and I look down and ree red. Yes people my nose started to bleed. I'm telling you something is going on. I am not one of those wierd conspiricy people but I really think there is something to this.
Other than the coughing, which is driving me crazy, I feel almost normal. The only thing that is truely and utterly pissing me off is that I have lost my voice. I can't sing and I feel as if I have lost a part of my soul. I know it's temporary but I want it back and I want it back right now. Not romorrow or the next day. :P Oh well guess I'm going to have to wait. Hopefully it won't take much Longer.
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